概要 (日本語/繁體中文/簡体中文/English)




 本研究会は、2010年、この企画を前にして設立されたものであり、その後、現在に至るまでほぼ1ヶ月に一度、各館の所蔵品の調査研究を行っている。これは作品そのものにとどまらず、作品の遞蔵やコレクションの形成を知るうえで重要な鑑蔵印・題跋・題字・題箋・箱書から包裂・書付などあらゆる付属品に及ぶ。また成果報告書として『関西九館所蔵 中国書画録』を数年おきに刊行し、一般に公開している。









The Kansai Consortium of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collections (KanCol)

The Kansai Consortium of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collections (KanCol) is a research group made up primarily of curators from nine museums in the Kansai region of Western Japan, all of which have important Chinese art holdings: the Chokaido Museum; the Kampo Museum; the Kubosō Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi; the Kurokawa Institute of Ancient Cultures; the Kyoto National Museum; the Museum Yamato Bunkakan; the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts; the Sen-oku Hakuko Kan Museum; and the Yūrinkan Museum.

Most of the Chinese art works in these museums were acquired during the modern period and have been preserved there ever since. To memorialize the centennial of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution that overthrew the Qing dynasty and resulted in the dispersal of Chinese art around the world, the Consortium organized an ongoing series of seventeen shows entitled the Kansai Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collection Exhibitions. Held between January 2011 and February 2012, these art exhibitions featured masterworks from Consortium museums that had hitherto been shown only within their individual institutions. In October 2011, the group held an international symposium, “The Past and Future of Kansai Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collections: Considering Their Significance 100 Years after Their Acquisition,” at which members presented results of research on their collections.

Since KanCol was founded in 2010, its members have gathered monthly at one another’s museums to study not only the art works themselves but also their provenances and collecting histories, as revealed in collector seals, colophons, labels, storage box inscriptions, and even accessories such as wrapping cloths, authentication certificates, and other items. The results of such research is published in a report every few years to share with the public.